Temporary treatment method for the aging of plate heat exchanger gaskets
The softening of the plate heat exchanger gasket is related to pressure and temperature. When the heat exchanger gasket loses its elasticity, the plate heat exchanger will leak. In some products, in order to solve the dripping phenomenon caused by the aging of the gasket, it is allowed to adjust the sealing performance of the plate heat exchanger, that is, tighten the bolts of the combined plate heat exchanger again to adjust the elastic seal between each heat exchanger. The compression force of the pad, solve the problem of dripping. Depending on the number of plates in each group of plate heat exchangers, the tightening force of the heat exchanger can be adjusted one or more times. When tightening, the nut can be screwed in by 3mm, and always pay attention to adjusting the heat exchanger plate during the tightening process. The stress situation of the plate, and only the plate heat exchanger without working pressure is allowed to adjust the tightening force at room temperature to prevent dripping. For plate heat exchangers without the stress adjustment range given on the nameplate, the stress value is generally given in the part drawing of the plate heat exchanger. When tightening this type of plate heat exchanger, the tightening torque should not be lower than the drawing. The specified value, because it is related to the assembly quality and assembly deformation of the plate heat exchanger. When the tightening torque reaches the specified value, the plate heat exchanger gasket can be replaced in a planned way. For plate heat exchangers used in critical production equipment and in corrosive media, a spare set of heat exchanger gaskets is recommended. When the warehouse temperature is 18°C, the plate heat exchanger gasket can be stored for about 3 years in a light-proof sealed package. Fixing of plate heat exchanger gaskets: In principle, the fixing of plate heat exchanger gaskets is divided into two categories: bonding and non-bonding. The shape of the plate heat exchanger gasket should be consistent with the shape of the plate heat exchanger seal. It must be pointed out that the adhesive fixing method does not have any effect on the sealing function.